Live to learn, learn to live
Please see our school facebook page or our Dojo pages for regular gallery updates. We love to share our learning!
The Queen's Green Canopy 2022
Year 4 have done an amazing job, planting trees around the field for the Jubilee. We received Hazel, Rowan and Crab Apple trees as part of the Queen's Green Canopy campaign. Altogether we planted around 25 trees, working really well as a team to prepare the ground and stake the trees. We measured the planting distance between the trees and also took some initial measurements of their height and girth. Now we have begun a record, we can continue to measure their growth in the months and years to come.
We took time to think about who would be sitting under our trees in 20 years, 50 years or even 100 years time and reflected on who has sat under the larger trees we currently have on the field.
Book Swap Shop
Eco-Schools - COP26
In Year 4, we have been learning about the climate conference (COP26), which is currently taking place in Glasgow. We read a very emotive book called What did the tree see?, which tells us about changes in our country over the last 1000 years. We learned about how land, that was once covered in trees, has been developed to make way for farming and buildings, railways and roads as our population has grown. We talked about how the human population is damaging our planet and small things we would all do to try and reverse this damage.
Today, we all planted an acorn, which over the next few years we will look after in school and grow into saplings. We will then find somewhere to plant them for the future, where they can grow into huge oak trees.
Before we planted our acorns, we measured the length and circumference of them. Over the next few years, we can then answer the question 'does the biggest acorn grow into the biggest tree?'. Each acorn was planted in 100grames of compost to make the investigation fair.
Kids who read succeed!
We are very excited to launch our new and improved library, a space for all our children to use and enjoy.
We have discussed our likes and needs with children and staff to create a relaxing but exciting area.
In September 2021, we have secured 1 £3,500 grant for our library from The Foyle Foundation. This will mean a huge investment in new reading this space!
Community Links
Through one of our parents, year 4 have paired up with a residential home for the elderly. They have been sent the names of the residents and some information about each person ,which they really enjoyed reading. They have worked hard to make some beautiful quality Christmas cards and gifts to send. They even learnt how to wrap them. We are looking forward to further links with the care home next year.
World Book Day
We celebrated World Book Day Tuesday 22nd March after being snowed off earlier in the month. Children took part in a book cover competition and watched an adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkein's Hobbit in the afternoon. Pupils and staff looked amazing in their costumes! Winners of our book cover competition to come ...
Poetry Workshop
Year 5 and 6 took part in a poetry workshop with Andy Craven- Griffiths, one of Radio 3’s Verb New Voices, a Curve Theatre writer and Lead Writer on various children’s writing projects. He began the day with a performance and we took part in a range of writing activities including unconventional love poems, free writing and simile and metaphor poems.
Athletics Final
Well done to all out year 5 and 6 pupils who took part in the athletics final at the Sports Barn!
Help the Homeless Appeal
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Help the Homeless appeal. Our children created posters to display around school to encourage people to be involved. Their shoe box donations of shower gel, warm clothing, hats, gloves, scarves, sweets, toothbrushes and more have all been delivered to the Huddersfield Welcome Centre in time for Christmas.
HTML Editors
Year 4 have been learning how to edit and create web pages using HTML. They have learned how to use tags to create different graphic and layout effects. Take a look at their web pages by clicking the links below.
Eco-Schools - COP26 In Year 4, we have been learning about the climate conference (COP26), which is currently taking place in Glasgow. We read a very emotive book called What did the tree see?, which tells us about changes in our country over the last 1000 years. We learned about how land, that was once covered in trees, has been developed to make way for farming and buildings, railways and roads as our population has grown. We talked about how the human population is damaging our planet and small things we would all do to try and reverse this damage. Kids who read succeed! We are very excited to launch our new and improved library, a space for all our children to use and enjoy. We have discussed our likes and needs with children and staff to create a relaxing but exciting area. In September 2021, we have secured 1 £3,500 grant for our library from The Foyle Foundation. This will mean a huge investment in new reading this space! Community Links Through one of our parents, year 4 have paired up with a residential home for the elderly. They have been sent the names of the residents and some information about each person ,which they really enjoyed reading. They have worked hard to make some beautiful quality Christmas cards and gifts to send. They even learnt how to wrap them. We are looking forward to further links with the care home next year. World Book Day We celebrated World Book Day Tuesday 22nd March after being snowed off earlier in the month. Children took part in a book cover competition and watched an adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkein's Hobbit in the afternoon. Pupils and staff looked amazing in their costumes! Winners of our book cover competition to come ... Poetry Workshop Year 5 and 6 took part in a poetry workshop with Andy Craven- Griffiths, one of Radio 3’s Verb New Voices, a Curve Theatre writer and Lead Writer on various children’s writing projects. He began the day with a performance and we took part in a range of writing activities including unconventional love poems, free writing and simile and metaphor poems. Athletics Final Well done to all out year 5 and 6 pupils who took part in the athletics final at the Sports Barn! Help the Homeless Appeal Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Help the Homeless appeal. Our children created posters to display around school to encourage people to be involved. Their shoe box donations of shower gel, warm clothing, hats, gloves, scarves, sweets, toothbrushes and more have all been delivered to the Huddersfield Welcome Centre in time for Christmas. HTML Editors Year 4 have been learning how to edit and create web pages using HTML. They have learned how to use tags to create different graphic and layout effects. Take a look at their web pages by clicking the links below. Christingle We walked to St Mark's church and took part in the Christingle service. Many thanks to all the parents and relatives who were able to join us! Dogs' Trust Visit The Dogs' Trust came to visit to teach us how to stay safe around dogs. We met Winnie the pug! Year 6 War Poetry Listen to Domanic's Poem. More poems can be found by visiting our War Poetry page. Good to be Green Disco Grow Family Learning Day World Book Day Kane, Hannah, Keegan and Nathaniel wanted to raise money for a local charity, The Mission, which has supported some of our families in a range of ways. They gave a speech in assembly to present their idea of class copper coin collections in old milk tins. They spent their lunch times counting up the money collected, made a fantastic card to present to the mission with our grand total of £39.60! Thanks to all who hunted down their loose change! Community Carol Singing Year 6 Gallery Visit Year 6 visited Huddersfield Art Gallery to explore the theme of 'identity'. We looked at and discussed different types of portraits, created our own self portraits and 'built' our faces using identikits. Take a look at our reconstructions! Year 5 Gallery Visit Year 5 visited Huddersfield Art Gallery. We explored the works of art and even created some of our own. We looked at the work of Lowry and compared his style to other artists' and explored Gainsborough's technique of creating landscapes in trays using a range of materials. We also focused on light and shadow, using chalk and charcoal to sketch our landscapes from different viewpoints. Finally we experimented with colour when using watercolours. Click here to see some photographs of our visit.
Today, we all planted an acorn, which over the next few years we will look after in school and grow into saplings. We will then find somewhere to plant them for the future, where they can grow into huge oak trees.
Before we planted our acorns, we measured the length and circumference of them. Over the next few years, we can then answer the question 'does the biggest acorn grow into the biggest tree?'. Each acorn was planted in 100grames of compost to make the investigation fair. At our Grow Family Learning Day KS1 and EYFS children enjoyed working in our outdoor environment. We dug over our Veg beds and harvested purple broccoli and planted potatoes. We also played games sorting vegetables into vegetable families and did a tool relay race. Click here to see more.
We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as a character from a story. We enjoyed lots of book related activities including a production of 'Oliver'. Take a look at some of the photos of our day.
Year 5 Fund Raisers
Our choir visited Botham Hall Care Home in December. They sang 6 songs and had mince pies, chocolates and a drink too. Click here to see more.