Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE)


Relationships,  Sex Education and Health Education (RSHE) is a fundamental part of the curriculum.

Our aim is to provide effective, age-appropriate RSHE education that meets the needs of all our pupils within an inclusive and supportive learning environment using non-biased resources. Teachers are committed to giving children the skills, knowledge and values necessary to live and learn safely in the modern world.


Jigsaw – The mindful approach

To achieve this, Relationships and Health Education will be taught using the Jigsaw Scheme that takes a half-termly themed approach to develop children's knowledge, values and skills in an age and stage-appropriate manner.  These themes are repeated as children move through the school to enable a deeper exploration of the related issues.


Being Me in My World Celebrating Difference Dreams and Goals Healthy Me Relationships Changing Me


This  programme helps us to deliver emotional literacy, social skills, mindfulness and spiritual development in a cohesive, comprehensive and creative way. Each class from Reception to Year 6 has a weekly lesson that promotes these very important aspects of learning. The lessons are supported by video clips, Powerpoint presentations, music and discussions as well as a class mascot!


Sex Education

Changes to the body during puberty are part of the Health Education curriculum. Sex education  is defined as learning about human reproduction and this will be taught as part of science learning in Y5 and Y6. As such, parents do not have the right to withdraw their children from this learning.