
The Role of School Governors

  • Together with the headteacher they are responsible for making sure our schools provide good quality education.
  • They provide challenge and support to headteachers, drawing on their knowledge and experience.
  • They make decisions together on matters such as performance, targets, school policies and school development plans.
  • They monitor the impact of policies and oversee school budgets and staffing.
  • They report on school achievements and respond to inspection recommendations.
  • They hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints.
  • They ask searching questions and respect the position of headteachers as professional leaders of schools.


M. Waddington L Dolan-Rathmell Vacancy
Co-opted Governor LA Governor Parent Governor 







E. Jones  R. Beaumont Vacancy

 Parent Governor 

 Foundation Governor, Chair Co-opted Governor







M Vayro L Everett F. Binks
Headteacher Staff Governor Foundation Governor










 Register of Business

Interests including date of appointment and term of office 



Governors Code of Conduct