Pupil Premium


The pupil premium is an opportunity to narrow the gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils and their better-off peers.


All provisions and actions planned for are monitored carefully within school in order to measure the impact and effectiveness of what we are providing and ensure all pupils are making good or better progress.  Our Vice-Chair of Governors is our school Pupil Premium Governor and she is involved in monitoring and ensuring that our school is accountable for the impact of this spending.

The most important aspect is the impact of these actions on our children.

Pupil Premium


The pupil premium is an opportunity to narrow the gap in achievement between disadvantaged pupils and their better-off peers.


All provisions and actions planned for are monitored carefully within school in order to measure the impact and effectiveness of what we are providing and ensure all pupils are making good or better progress.  Our Vice-Chair of Governors is our school Pupil Premium Governor and she is involved in monitoring and ensuring that our school is accountable for the impact of this spending.

The most important aspect is the impact of these actions on our children.